Trust The Hands That will Treat You
Located in Chelsea Chiropractic and Massage


Dr. McMahon’s office in NYC uses chiropractic methods that are safe, non-invasive, and effective. He uses gentle manual adjustments to the spine to relieve pain in the back, neck, head, arms, and legs.


Realigns impacted areas of the spine to relieve the pain of pinched nerves and to restore proper functioning naturally.


A planned schedule of rehabilitative stretches and exercises, customized for each patient, to optimize body performance and mobility.


Tailor-made insoles inserted into shoes to help restore hip alignment and balance, and to relieve foot pain.


A completely natural, drug-free way to keep the body healthy and to function optimally during and after pregnancy.


Specific physical therapy, stretches, exercises, and adjustments to help treat the sideways curvature of the spine and to put it back in alignment.


All-natural vitamins are part of a regular program to reduce stress, decrease joint inflammation, and restore energy.

Our specialists



Dr. Jay Heller




Chiropractors are not just for back pain. There are many benefits to regular chiropractic care:

  • Non-invasive, natural, safe, and effective treatment.
  • Uses no drugs or surgery.
  • Helps to keep the entire body healthy by allowing the normal nerve flow of external and internal information to be transmitted from the brain and spinal cord to the organs and muscles.
  • Finds the cause of problems such as muscle spasms, pinched nerves, neck pain, leg pain, back pain, and headaches.
  • Maintenance adjustments can help relieve stress and improve one’s posture, immune system, sleep, and moods. 
  • Teaches preventive measures that patients can do to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and prevent recurring pain.

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Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic adjustment is the primary approach that a Chiropractic doctor uses to treat and correct painful “vertebral subluxations,” an abnormal alignment of the spine’s vertebrae that causes pain, inflammation, and diminished range of motion and function. 

While other doctors use needles, medication, or surgery for treatment, research shows that chiropractic adjustments and services are the least invasive approach, but have the highest success rate with most common musculoskeletal ailments.

These gentle chiropractic adjustments enable the body to reduce swelling on its own and allow the affected areas to heal. They provide quick pain relief, alleviate muscle tightness, rapidly diminish or eliminate muscle spasms, restore mobility, and help improve overall health and wellness. 

Gentle pressure is applied manually next to the spinal joints that are pinching or pulling on the nerve tissues. When adjusting older patients or infants, we use the Activator, a small, hand-held instrument that puts no stress on the body and delivers a gentle impulse to restore motion to the targeted spinal area.

A chiropractic adjustment provides quick pain relief and restores mobility, alleviates muscle tightness, and allows the affected areas to heal. Patients will immediately feel better, even after the initial treatment!

Physical Therapy

In conjunction with chiropractic adjustments, modalities such as traction, muscle stimulation, ultrasound, and heat may be used to help reduce muscle spasms and swelling, and improve muscle range of motion, balance, and strength.

A management plan is developed with the patient. Goals of improving movement, increasing strength, and a better quality of life are the standards that we aim for.

Relaxing Stretches help stabilize the spinal structure, improve flexibility, and rid the body of stress. Patients will feel the muscle tension drain away by doing these stretches on a regular basis.

Corrective Exercises are highly effective at strengthening the body and are tailored to the patient’s specific condition. When done on a regular basis, these exercises help maintain good posture, build muscle strength, and prevent problems from recurring. 

The following are considered the four core spinal stabilization exercises:

  • Bird-Dog
    Works the extensor muscles of the spine, abdominals and back muscles to increase lower back strength and balance. Starting on all fours, simultaneously extend the right arm forward and the left leg back, then alternate.
  • Cobra
    This yoga pose gently stretches and strengthens the spine, particularly in the pelvic area and lower lumbar spine. Lying face down, place hands on the ground next to the shoulders. Lift the chest up by engaging the muscles of the neck, shoulders, back, and hips, gazing upwards and keeping the abdominals engaged. 
  • Plank
    This static exercise, where the body stays in one position, improves posture and strengthens the back, shoulders, arms, glutes, waistline, and hamstrings. Lie face down with legs extended and elbows bent and directly under shoulders. Contract your abs, then tuck your toes to lift your body (forearms remain on the ground). You should be in a straight line from head to toe. Hold for 60 seconds.
  • Side Plank
    This exercise builds strength and endurance in the abs, back, and hamstrings, and helps support proper posture and improve balance. From the plank position, press your right side into the mat and turn your body so that your weight is on the outer edge of your right foot. Stack your left foot on top. Bring your torso up and away from the floor, while extending your left arm with fingers pointed toward the sky. Hold for 60 seconds, then return to the plank position and repeat on the left side.

While there are many other exercises (too many to list here), the above-mentioned group will greatly improve spine and muscle strength, mobility, and function.

Custom Orthotics

If you are a runner, or know anyone who is, you’ve probably heard about orthotics inserted inside the shoe to add cushioning, provide arch support, and help relieve foot pain by taking pressure off sore spots such as the heels and the balls of the feet. 

Bear in mind that the body’s weight-bearing joints (ankles, knees, hips, pelvis, lower back, and neck) are connected in a chain that begins at the feet. If the feet are out of balance, then every joint, connecting muscle, tendon, and ligament will also be out of balance. These can become injured over time, and produce pain in the feet as well as other areas of the body.

While there are over-the-counter orthotics that come in basic men’s and women’s shoe sizes, and last for about 6-9 months, our custom-made Foot Levelers orthotics provide years of an effective and long-lasting solution. 

For starters, the Foot Levelers orthotics are custom-created to the specific form of your feet. A digital scan is taken to determine how your feet are structured and to identify any imbalances that are causing pain. Using this data, we then determine which stabilizers are right for you, based on your activity level and the type of shoes you will wear. Foot Levelers orthotics can be customized to fit comfortably in sneakers and athletic wear, as well as dress shoes and high heels.

By correcting imbalances in the feet, Foot Levelers also help to stabilize the spine, pelvis, hips and lower back, creating a solid foundation for proper posture, reducing foot pain, and enhancing your body’s overall performance. They support all three arches of the foot, which naturally weaken with age, and realign the feet and ankles to function more effectively during weight-bearing and propulsion. 

And unlike over-the-counter orthotics, Foot Levelers will last for several years.

Pregnant Women

Chiropractic care is a completely natural, non-invasive, and drug-free way for pregnant women to stay healthy and relieve the associated aches and pains during and after pregnancy. We have even adjusted pregnant women on the day of labor, including my wife, whom I adjusted regularly through both of her pregnancies. I also have adjusted our two daughters since birth.

Pregnancy can put stress on the body’s posture, spinal curvature, and skeletal structure, especially as the baby gets larger and heavier. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help relieve back pain and sciatica by keeping the mother’s spine in alignment, securing an easier delivery of your child.

We use special chiropractic techniques designed exclusively for pregnant women, and all adjustments are made while the patient is lying on her back—not her stomach. These treatments also get the mother’s spine, muscles, and hips in proper alignment, so that labor and childbirth can progress faster, easier, and with less pain.

Chiropractic is also essential for post-partum care. After birth, chiropractic treatments can correct any misalignments that occurred during labor and/or childbirth, and can correct posture problems and back pain resulting from breastfeeding or simply holding the baby for extended periods of time.


Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine, which typically occurs in children during the growth spurt just before puberty. Adults who have scoliosis as a child are more likely to have chronic back pain. Ironically, some people are unaware that they even have scoliosis. Signs of the condition can include unlevel shoulders, uneven hips, prominent ribs, and a shift of the waist and trunk to the side.  

Dr. McMahan sees many patients with the condition. While scoliosis is treatable, it is technically not “curable,” and therefore requires ongoing care. However, our scoliosis patients lead full and active lives without braces or the need for spinal fusion surgery (where a metal rod is inserted along the spine). 

The first step is to take an X-ray to map the curvature of the spine and to develop an individual treatment program, which can include scoliosis-specific massages, stretches, exercises, and chiropractic alignments. Patients can also be given heel lifts, worn inside the shoe, to help correct uneven posture caused by the spine’s curvature.


We encourage patients to take dietary supplements as part of a regular program to reduce stress, decrease joint inflammation, and restore overall health and energy. Our supplements are all-natural, with no side effects, and can be purchased online or at our office.

  • Complete FM
    Used in the treatment of fibromyalgia, scoliosis, and chronic muscle cramping. Contains 3 essential minerals (calcium, magnesium, and zinc) as well as other nutrients to support the growth and function of joints and muscles. 
  • Stress & Adrenal Support
    Combines vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to promote the healthy production of anti-stress support hormones from the adrenal glands, which help the body cope with daily stress, boost energy levels, and support cardiovascular and skin health. Recommended for patients with stressful jobs and who drink a lot of coffee or caffeinated drinks, to reduce the added work these activities put on the adrenal glands and kidneys.
  • Disc-Zym
    A formulation of manganese, calcium, enzymes, and other ingredients to help with spinal disc bulges and herniations that can affect flexibility and movement.

Dr. McMahan sees many patients with the condition. While scoliosis is treatable, it is technically not “curable,” and therefore requires ongoing care. However, our scoliosis patients lead full and active lives without braces or the need for spinal fusion surgery (where a metal rod is inserted along the spine). 

The first step is to take an X-ray to map the curvature of the spine and to develop an individual treatment program, which can include scoliosis-specific massages, stretches, exercises, and chiropractic alignments. Patients can also be given heel lifts, worn inside the shoe, to help correct uneven posture caused by the spine’s curvature.

Dr. Steven McMahon

Dr. McMahon has over 30 years of experience in chiropractic care. He is board-certified in all chiropractic techniques and has advanced training in physical therapy and nutrition. He uses holistic, all-natural, “gentle” chiropractic treatments to make patients feel better in the shortest amount of time.

Dr. McMahon entered the chiropractic field a few years after he sustained a severe back injury, and experienced first-hand the tremendous recuperative benefits of chiropractic care.

He founded his practice in 1993, after earning his doctor’s degree from Life University’s School of Chiropractic, one of the leading Southern holistic health universities in Georgia. He worked as an associate at a Manhattan chiropractic office for two years before forming his own practice in New Jersey in 1995. 

Dr. McMahon moved his practice back to Manhattan in 1998. In 2014, he renovated the office to create a state-of-the-art chiropractic clinic that provides both effective chiropractic treatment and a relaxing environment for patients.

During his extensive career, Dr. McMahon has helped people with a variety of ailments and health conditions including headaches, back, leg and neck pain, and scoliosis. He treats patients of all ages—from adolescents to seniors—as well as pregnant women. 

Dr. McMahon is actively involved in the Chelsea community, where he volunteers at the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen, and has donated to the St. Peter’s holiday food drive for over 10 years. He is also a member of the Chelsea/Greenwich Village Chamber of Commerce.

Dr. Jay Heller

Dr. Jay Heller is a NY Chiropractor providing back pain relief and neck pain relief, alignments of spine restoring nerve transmission with chiropractic adjustments.