Convenient Chiropractic Care located in Manhattan, New York. Non-invasive, natural, safe, and effective Chiropractic Care. Uses no drugs or surgery.
Helps to keep the entire body healthy by allowing the normal nerve flow of external and internal information to be transmitted from the brain and spinal cord to the organs and muscles.
Chiropractic care finds the cause of problems such as muscle spasms, pinched nerves, neck pain, leg pain, back pain, and headaches.Maintenance adjustments can help relieve stress and improve one’s posture, immune system, sleep, and moods.
Chiropractic services teach preventive measures that patients can do to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and prevent recurring pain.
You know that your body is controlled by your brain, but the spinal cord and vast network of nerves that carry its messages are just as important. When this system is not functioning at its peak, your body’s overall performance suffers.
In the chiropractic world, we don’t use drugs to treat our patients. While supplementation and nutrition are almost always a part of the bigger picture, drugs and prescriptions can be viewed as bandaids to treat symptoms rather than treating the source of the problem. Chiropractic treats the problem naturally and in turn prompts the body to heal itself.
While it’s often perceived that the chiropractor solely treats back and neck pain, this is a small piece of what the profession is capable of handling. Chiropractors not only treat soft and hard tissue problems such as sciatica and joint pain, but are largely called on to deal with many different health issues. Some of these issues include fibromyalgia, allergies, insomnia, and headaches among many more.
Expert Chiropractic Care
Experience Relief and Wellness through Specialized Chiropractic Treatments Tailored to Your Needs
Chiropractic Services
Restore Balance and Enhance Your Well-being with Expert Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Adjustment
Chiropractic adjustment is the primary approach that a Chiropractic doctor uses to treat and correct painful “vertebral subluxations,” an abnormal alignment of the spine’s vertebrae that causes pain, inflammation, and diminished range of motion and function.
Physical Therapy
In conjunction with chiropractic adjustments, modalities such as traction, muscle stimulation, ultrasound, and heat may be used to help reduce muscle spasms and swelling, and improve muscle range of motion, balance, and strength.
Custom Orthotics
If you are a runner in New York City, or know anyone who is, you’ve probably heard about orthotics inserted inside the shoe to add cushioning, provide arch support, and help relieve foot pain by taking pressure off sore spots such as the heels and the balls of the feet.
Pregnant Women
Chiropractic care is a completely natural, non-invasive, and drug-free way for pregnant women to stay healthy and relieve the associated aches and pains during and after pregnancy.
Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine, which typically occurs in children during the growth spurt just before puberty. Adults who have scoliosis as a child are more likely to have chronic back pain.
We encourage patients to take dietary supplements as part of a regular program to reduce stress, decrease joint inflammation, and restore overall health and energy. Our supplements are all-natural, with no side effects, and can be purchased online or at our office in Chelsea, NYC